28 August 2015


The big event for the kids during the second school term was their trip to camp. Camp is held each year at Vertical Horizons near Inglewood. It was a great experience for the kids to get out of the house for a few nights.
Sending the kids off to camp

My task was to visit camp a couple days during the week and lend a hand as a volunteer. The outdoor activities started with a large group game after breakfast followed by morning tea. Next, the kids broke into groups for morning activities. The many stations included kayaks, rope swing, grass carts, swimming, the zip line and raft building. The kids rotated through all the stations during their stay.
A morning game of chase
One of these kids isn't a native Kiwi
Happy days in the cabin
Waiting on lunch

Teacher cabins
Morning activities lasted for ninety minutes and were followed by lunch. The kids stayed with their group after lunch and then rotated through additional stations. The next opportunity for nourishment came in the form of afternoon tea and pre-dinner free time rounded out the daylight hours. During the evening, they watched movies and chased each other around the camp with 'torches'.
Lake and the rope bridge
Jack hiking up to the top of the zip line
One of the high obstacles

Laura and I had pleasant evenings at home watching movies and generally not missing the evening get-kids-ready-for-bed shuffle.
Noodle hockey in the hall
Steven ready to Kayak at school camp "Vertical horizons"
Steven paddling the red kayak
The chow hall
Steven on the super swing

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