25 December 2014


Richard, our friend and Laura's colleague likes his guns and has been kind enough to take Jack and I out shooting at nearby farms.  Jack has taken a turn at a .22, a silenced .177, .243 and a 12 gauge automatic.

Target shooting
.177, note the silencer
One night, we went out for rabbits and possums.  The possums are an invasive species from Austrailia and are hunted to control the population and for their wool.  The belly fur is plucked and combined with other furs to line boots and gloves and each possum fetches in the neighborhood of $6.  Jack bagged his first rabbit with the .177 before nightfall and nailed a few possums after dark.  We heard some feral goats in the hills, but didn't see any.

First kill
Jack and Richard stalking
Feral goats out there

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